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Thursday, March 28, 2013


Purgatory has been one of the more confusing things for me learning the Catholic theology. As a non-Catholic, I was never taught of a purgatory before i came to high school, but I have come to learn more about it as I've grown. The things that I have taken away from it is that it is the afterlife state where souls, who have not achieved holiness quite yet, go. Here they look to improved there faith to finally be accepted into the kingdom of heaven. Thank you for reading


Hello, we are the team known as Derz and Jake. We will give the public what they want on the Catholic Church, and we know exactly what that is. The public want to gain knowledge on the Communion of Saints. This being that we will further enhance your knowledge on the states of the soul in the after life. This will also include knowledge on the the saints and the Ecumenism theme. We will truly hope that you keep up with our blog.

- The Teem